
Rapid City, SD, USA
Rockerville Lodge & Cabins
HOUSEKEEPING! START NOW - $16-$18 D.O.E. Rockerville Lodge& Cabins13525 Main Street near S Rockerville Rd.compensation: Hourly rate $16.00 to $19.00 D.O.E.employment type: 20-35 hours per week. Season ends Nov. 1,2024job title: HousekeeperLocated 8 miles from Keystone/14 miles from Hill City. 12 miles from Rapid City.Work day starts 9AM - Ends between 1PM-3PM. Ends early enough to enjoy the rest of the day exploring the Black Hills!Sunday - Saturday.Season ends November 1st.Some flexibility with days/hours.Call ------------ or stop by the front office for application.

44.080544, -103.231018